
Dialogs presents additional workflow or force an important decision right where the user currently is

Needs JavaScript

To create a modal dialog, add a .dialog element. Inside it, add a .dialog__backdrop and a .dialog__inner element. Give the .dialog an id attribute, and assign it to the data-dialog attribute of the button that will open your dialog.

This is a modal dialog.
<button class="button" data-dialog="dialog-1">Toggle dialog</button>
<div id="dialog-1">
    <div class="dialog__backdrop" data-dialog-hide></div>
    <div class="dialog__inner card no-border raised padding-xl">This is a modal dialog.</div>

There are three things in this code snippet:

  1. The .dialog__backdrop element that serves as the backdrop that dims the page behind the dialog to bring user’s focus on the dialog.
  2. The .dialog__inner element that serves as the container for the dialog contents.
  3. At least one element with the attribute data-dialog-hide. This element closes the dialog when it is clicked. In the previous code snippet, the .dialog__backdrop has the [data-dialog-hide], which means that the dialog will close once the user clicks outside the dialog’s contents.

If you decide to add a close button inside the dialog’s contents, you just need to add the data-dialog-hide attribute to it so it closes the dialog when clicked.

Dialog header

This is a dialog.

<button class="button" data-dialog="dialog-2">Toggle dialog</button>
<div class="dialog" id="dialog-2">
    <div class="dialog__backdrop" data-dialog-hide></div>
    <article class="dialog__inner card bordered raised padding-none">
        <header class="flex padding-l justify-content-space-between border-bottom">
            <p class="h5 margin-none">Dialog header</p>
            <button class="square button padding-s" data-dialog-hide>
                <span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
                <span class="visually-hidden">Close dialog</span>
        <div class="padding-l">
            <p>This is a dialog.</p>
        <footer class="flex padding-l justify-content-end border-top">
            <button class="button" data-dialog-hide>Close</button>